Make the first move to finding your new career.

Send us your CV.




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By sending us your CV, we will be able to review it and recommend the perfect position for you as soon it becomes available. All information is confidential and will only be used by employers.


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For getting in touch

We will contact you as soon as possible :)

Dave Russell 31/10/2022

Why Use a Recruiter


● No placement – no fee – zero risk
● Our search is fast and efficient – we aim to send suitable candidate profiles sent to you within 2 weeks
● Pre-screening of candidates means only CVs of candidates who are technically qualified and compatible with your company culture will be sent to you
● We have an established network of professionals
● Our targeted searching reaches passive candidates who may not respond to traditional advertising of roles
● We can pay particular attention to bespoke roles, freeing your internal recruiters for recruitment of core roles


● Immediate access to in depth information on the role and the hiring company – finding out more from us so that you can quickly assess if it is the right role for you
● We prepare candidates for each interview stage and can give tips based on experience with each employers’ interview style.
● We give feedback at each stage of the process and ensure your application is quickly seen by the right people
● When offered the position, we can assist you in contract negotiations ensuring you are confident that your expectations are met when signing the contract
● We support you in the period between contract signing and onboarding and ensure you have all the required information to confidently start in your new role.

Submit your CV or get in touch with one of our recruitment consultants…

Would you like a confidential free consultation to discuss your next career move? Would you like to explore your transferable skills and where your next career move could lead to? Would you like to change industry or direction? We love to discuss brave career ambitions and pivots – our team have all done it! Feeling “stuck in a rut” in your current job and not receiving the recognition you deserve, low in confidence – we can set you back on track to achieve your career goals.

Dave Russell

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