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By sending us your CV, we will be able to review it and recommend the perfect position for you as soon it becomes available. All information is confidential and will only be used by employers.


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" I've worked with the Rockfort team for 6-plus years and cannot speak highly enough of them. They are friendly, professional and genuinely interested in understanding our culture and the type of profile required. This has been a huge help for us in finding the right talent for hard-to-fill roles. "

Dermot Herlihy

Director of Engineering


About Rockfort Recruitment

Rockfort is a full-service employee recruitment agency with a targeted speciality in the Cork IT market. We understand there is a shortage of qualified candidates, as well as suitable employment opportunities, in the IT field in Cork and have set out to connect businesses with outstanding talent in their respective positions.

Take a look at previous employers we've worked with

Interview with

Rockfort Meets Poppulo

Behind the scenes with Poppulo

Interview with

Danielle Hegarty

Organisational Development and Training Lead

Interview with

Stephanie Sheehan

Director of Engineering

Interview with

Jason Ryan

Senior Director of Engineering

Interview with

Conor Fitzgerald

Conor Fitzgerald from Poppulo

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the ideal candidate for your company

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