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Senior Software Engineer

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Senior Software Engineer

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Senior Software Engineer





About the Position

Senior Software Engineer

• You must have at least 5 yrs C# and .Net experience.
• Experience working with Restful API services.
• They use a number of data storage solutions, familiarity with both SQL and No-SQL databases would
be a massive plus, in particular ElasticSearch or similar (MongoDB, Cassandra etc.)
• Their stack lives on Microsoft Azure, and we use a variety of Windows and Linux based, they would
love to see you having experience with Azure or other cloud service providers in your previous roles
• They keep their source safe, and so should you – a working knowledge of source control methods
and practices is a must. (Git, TFS)
• Unit testing and code reviews are a big part of how we maintain quality code, you must show a
passion for shipping quality software.
• Some front end development experience would be a plus, especially on ASP.NET MVC.

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